Conservation through Education.

This past Monday evening we were treated to a virtual hike and fishing expedition into the high Sierra. Guest speaker Derek Barghaer took us, day by day on his trip to magical high places where trout live.

Derek was able in a few slides to familiarize us with the kind of gear a successful high altitude hike requires. Here is definitely a case of less was more!

For me the pictures of these isolated creeks and lakes led to thoughts of what the wild mountain places looked like before we fed them with trout. The creeks are like crystal and abound in strains of rainbow trout my eyes will never see in person. Derek's photos are breathtaking. Not only did he capture the pristine beauty of this wilderness, his geographic maps showed in amazing detail the austerity of the trek he and his two companions traversed over 5 days.

By demand Derek will be back in March to talk more about the fish his expeditionaries caught and some high Sierra trout strategy. If you missed this one, better not miss him in March!

We had a wonderfull turnout for our Annual Fly Tying Bee. 27 guests came to mess with feathers, hooks and dubbing! Thanks to the 7 featured tyers, our three greeters, the members who brough edibles and, of course, our guests. We're hoping some of you who are not members, become one soon! Go here:

On Monday September 30, President Steve Basson addressed a gathering of the Dame Juliana League clan to honor two incredible leaders: Emerson Cannon & Mike Ferraro!

Emerson has served DJL a long time:

Emerson joined The Dame Juliana League of Fly Fishers in 1972. He became a board member in 1976. In 1982 he became vice president to president Troy Dunn and became treasurer at the same time. Emerson remained the vice president under John Burgos when Troy left and then took over as president when John Burgos retired. Emerson retired from being president in 2023 and thankfully remains a board member.

Mike has been DJL's membership Chairman and an extremely active board member since Pluto was a pup. Under Mike's supervision Dame Juliana League has grown to over 100 members. Both Mike and Emerson are indefatigable fly fishers of a variety of large, exotic species!

In the picture below Emerson is accompanied by his lovely wife Margaret and Mike is with his beautiful spouse Karen.

(Photos by Eric Tschantre)

About the League

The Dame Juliana League Fly Fishers was formed in the winter of 1970-71 by seven dedicated fly fishermen living in and around Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, about 35 miles west of Philadelphia. Our club takes its name from Dame Juliana Berners, a 15th century Benedictine nun who wrote one of the first essays on fly fishing entitled "A Treatyse of Fysshynge Wyth an Angle" published in 1496. We have adopted nearby French Creek, in northern Chester County, as our official home water.